Sports Performance

Do You Want To Improve Your Performance and Prevent Future Injury?

What Do Sports Performance Sessions Look Like?

A sports performance visit is typically for healthy athletes and adults, who are looking for a comprehensive evaluation that assesses movement mechanics, strength, stability and overall athletic performance. Our team utilizes cutting edge techniques and proven assessment protocols to provide you with a very detailed understanding of your body’s capabilities and limitations.

The goal of these sessions is to help you achieve your optimal performance by targeting areas of weakness, eliminating compensatory patterns and training you to move more efficiently.

Your personalized plan will address your specific needs and align with your goals. This may include mobility drills, strength training protocols, corrective exercises and other interventions to optimize your movement mechanics and enhance your athletic performance.

What Are The Benefits Of Sports Performance Sessions?

  • Real Data - Using VALD force plates and push/pull dynamometry, as well as using testing specific to your sport, you will get concrete data outlining your performance.

  • Thorough Assessment - Our assessments help to determine a specific training program that can help you perform better while running, jumping, cutting, and landing.

  • Prevent Future Injury - Just because you don’t have pain, doesn’t mean you aren’t at risk of future injury. We discover your weaknesses and help prevent injuries such as ACL tears, ankle sprains and rotator cuff tears.

  • Unrivaled Confidence - Research has shown that a high number of adults and athletes that return to sport lack the confidence they once had. Chances are you’ve been injured before. We ensure you are more confident than ever.

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Get To Know Dr. Adam Shildmyer - Owner of Vertical Sports Physical Therapy

Dr. Adam Shildmyer PT, DPT, SCS, FAAOMPT became passionate about PT while in high school and college while playing basketball. He suffered various injuries, including some that forced him out of competition for long periods of time. However, through this experience he developed a passion for helping others get through similar events more efficiently and with top level care. He loves meeting and learning from others, while helping them prevent injuries, recovery from injuries and return to the activities they love.